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Hate-speech, personal attacks, harassment, witch-hunting, trolling, and similar behavior are not allowed. Remember the human and be respectful of others. No hate-speech, personal attacks, or harassment. Wild Fields Games Speed Crew 10:00 AM ET / 7:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM GMT Join our Discord chat Read the Wiki / FAQ Twitter Twitch YouTube Content Filters News We are a fan-run community, not an official Nintendo forum. r/NintendoSwitch is the central hub for all news, updates, rumors, and topics relating to the Nintendo Switch. Software description provided by the publisher.Ask a question Submit memes/shitposts Hide Spoilers Daily Question Thread | Read our Wiki | Join our Discord | 2022 GotY Results | Send a ModMail But don’t let the levity distract you from your ultimate mission: to stop the evil mastermind Captain Brains and the spread of his chaotic Dizzies!
You never know what hilarity will ensue, whether it’s the laugh-out-loud writing or yet another unexpected slapstick situation. When you receive a distress call, don’t be afraid to get curious and experiment. You’ll also unlock additional hats, costume colors, and furniture for your home base by exploring mission areas and the world map. As you play and replay missions, you’ll complete bonus objectives and uncover hidden collectibles with hilarious results! Either way, how you go about it is totally up to you, whether you work together to transport many Dizzies at once on a stretcher or work in parallel by splitting up dragging the Dizzies to the ambulance one by one. The world has a bad case of the Dizzies-residents dizzied by Captain Brains-and only you can rescue them! Work with a friend in co-op or skillfully control two medics on your own to overcome the physics-based puzzles of each madcap mission.